Friday, December 9, 2011

Holly Dickens Festival Christmas Tree Lighting!!

Christmas tree lighting!

Warming up by the fire!

Beautiful carriage!

These girls were so cute!!! They kept calling me Miss America! Best feeling in the world!!

   I love the old fashioned costumes from the time period of Charles Dickens!
Our attempt at planking!! Talk about an interesting, yet hilarious moment!!

On Friday, December 9th, I participated  in the Holly Christmas tree lighting during the Dicken's Festival!! The brisk cold weathered evening started out with a lighted parade followed by the Christmas tree lighting, high school dancers, and where the children each got to express their wish list to Santa Claus!! A beautiful horse drawn carriage was available to tour the village for those wanting a unique Chirstmas experience! I took the opportunity to visit with the workers & volunteers of the booths and answered many questions about Miss Lady of the Lakes and share my wonderful experiences with the Miss America Oraganization! I also shopped in the village shoppes! The stores were so cute and the people were sweet and encouraging in my quest to return to the Miss Michigan stage!

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