Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Lake Orion Holiday Parade!

        This shiny red Solstace, from Golling in Lake Orion, sponsored my ride!
                          Hardworking firemen and their lighted fire truck!
          This gingerbread house looked good enough to eat! It was adorable!

Zipping through town and greeting the Lake Orion parade watchers!

After the Pontiac Holiday Extravaganza parade earlier in the day on Saturday Dec 3rd, I had the pleasure to be in the Lake Orion Holiday evening parade! During an event this past summer, Bill who works at Golling car dealership and is the Vice President of the parade committee for the parade, invited me to represent the community by riding in one of his sponsored cars for the fun event!! What an honor!! I was in one of my favorite cars, the Solstace!!  Although the weather presented a few raindrops, it was quite balmy for December! It was actually warmer at night than it was during the day!! Lake Orion has been so inviting and welcoming to me even though I'm from the "rival town" of Clarkston! ;-) More pictures will be coming soon!!

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