Thursday, December 1, 2011

Royal Oak Holiday Parade and Birthday Lunch!! :)

I know Mr Calvin Bordine from Bordine's Nursery because I was on his float last year in the  Clarkston Christmas Lighted parade!! What a blast!

Thankfully we caught a photo of this little guy right before he put his head down! So cute!!! I love reindeer and look forward to seeing them every winter in the Christmas parades!!

Ahh Santa and Mrs Claus!! I told them I was on the 'nice' list!! :)

Love this!! This is Charlotte! She is my new director's daughter!! Charlotte was in the passenger seat during the parade while Jeannette drove the car! I got to sit up in the back seat waving to all of the wonderful people that came out to enjoy a very fun parade to bring in the holidays!! <3

I <3 parades!! So much fun!

Lunch with my girls to celebrate my 21st birthday!

My dear friend and former Miss LOL Cameron Learman, Charlotte, me, and my new amazing director Jeannette Greco Pawlowski!! <3
November 19th was such a blast! It was an honor to be in the Royal Oak parade for the second year in a row! The people are so sweet and made me feel like a Miss America!! It warmed my heart to hear all of the support I recieved from young girls who would wish me good luck at Miss Michigan!! It was a great way for me to get the word out about the Miss America Organization and how life changing it really is!! One of my favorite activities is being out with the public and meeting new people! It truly is a part of my personality! I can't help it because I am a people person! ;-) Not only was the parade fun, but afterwards I had the lovely opportunity to hang out with some of my favorite ladies Jeannette, Cameron, and Charlotte!! We went out to celebrate my birthday and catch up on life! Talk about a perfect day!!

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