Thursday, December 1, 2011

Miss Capital City!! :)

Mr and Mrs Haglund! They're the best!!

Our Miss Michigan mama!! Love you Paula!!

Our absolutely stunning and outstanding Miss Michigan, Elizabeth!! Love seeing her and watching her grow throughout her journey as Miss Michigan!! So proud of you Liz!!

My first runner up at Miss Lady of the Lakes, the beautiful Sarah Sydum!

SO great to see Morgan back in action in pageantry!! We've missed you love!

Haha Doug King is so sweet! He had all of the tall girls stand in the front's nice to be in the front row, such a rare occasion! Thanks Doug for not forgetting about us tall ladies!!

One of my best friends, Emily!! Love this girl to pieces!! Can't wait to go back to Miss Michigan together again!! Talk about great memories! :-)

Melissa! One of my favorite redheads!

Cameron cracks me up!!! She's always being herself, and that's why we love her so much!

Yay! Couldn't resist stopping on the way home!!

On November 20th, I had the pleasure of supporting so many of my pageant sisters and new contestants at the Miss Capital City pageant!! Not only was it a blast to watch, but a close friend of mine, Sydney Learman won!!! I am SO proud of her! She is one of the sweetest, most genuine girls! We have known each for a few years now and I treasure her friendship!!
It was also great to catch up with my best friend Emily!! We haven't skipped a beat since we were together competing at Miss Michigan 2011 last summer!!
It was a great night and it was wonderful meeting so many new titleholders! It is fantastic to watch this program grow and see new girls competing and capturing titles! I can't wait to get to know everyone better throughout the year!

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