Friday, December 9, 2011

Troy Christmas Tree Lighting!!!

My little Star Wars buddy!

Interview for the newspaper!!!

The Mayor of Troy!!

Handing out candy canes to the kids!!

We match!
 Love this little boy to pieces!! He wanted a picture and once I put my arm around him he leaned right into my arms and put his head on mine! So adorable!!

Genysis Credit Union with Santa!!


Linda you are the best!!! Thank you so much for everything!!!
On Wednesday, December 7th I had the wonderful pleasure of participating in my first Christmas tree lighting of the season!!! This was another amazing and fun event sponsored by Genysis Credit Union! While it was a bit cold we had hot chocolate and donuts to keep us warm!! The Athens High School choir and drumline band performed for the crowd! what fabulous groups and full of talent! I was very impressed!
After all of the festive music was finished my job was to keep all of the excited kids in a straight line to meet Santa as well as hand out candy canes after they spoke to Santa! These kids were adorable!!! I love children so much and to see their sweet faces light up when they met Santa was absolutely priceless!!!

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