Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rochester Christmas Parade!!!! :)

Before the Rochester parade we were invited to a VIP party at the Rochester Chamber of Commerce to celebrate together and share the Christmas spirit! Sharing how the MAO has changed my life in such a positive way with others was the order of the day! I met with several dignitaries including Oakland County commissioners that I had addressed last year at a speaking engagement and where I recieved a proclamation!  It was great to see all of them again!!
On the Princess float which was on loan for us MAO girls from the America's Company Parade!!!

               My dear friend, Linda, on my left, works for the Genysis Credit Union and rode the float with us! Genysis sponsored the Rochester Christmas parade!!

What a blast!!!! On December 4th, 2011, I was blessed to be involved with the Rochester Christmas Parade for the second year in a row!! Not only were we on the beautiful Princess float from the America's Parade Company, joining the amazing crew from Genysis Credit Union, but we also landed on TV-channel 7 WXYZ!!! Thankfully, I DVR'd the show and can't wait to see it!!! This was a great opportunity to get the word out about the Miss America Organization by having myself and Miss Oakland County Kelly Oles on TV!! So much fun!!! Thank you again Linda for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!

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