Thursday, January 19, 2012

Clarkston Christmas Night Parade!!

Elves and a teddy bear!

So cute!

Mr. Calvin Bordine and me!!

She was so sweet!! Her parents told me she wanted to "meet the princess!"

Santa and Mrs. Claus!!

My dad (the best driver!) and me!

On December 10th, 2011 I had the honor to participate in the Clarkston Lighted parade! I was invited even before I had won the title of 'Miss Lady of the Lakes' during the early fall planning stages of this event!! While it was bitterly cold, it was still a blast!! Seeing my former teachers, classmates, neighbors, church family, and friends is always a thrill for me! I feel extrememly blessed that LaFontaine Car Dealership, out of Highland, MI once again sponsored a beautiful car for me! My dad usually drives me in our shiny red Corvette, but it was already in storage for the winter and had it been snowing it never would have made it through the parade! Everyone was extremely kind and supportive towards my journey to Miss Michigan, this upcoming June, and hollered out to me as I rode past them to smile and wave!!

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