Thursday, January 19, 2012

Mr. Milford 2012 Pageant!!!!

Practicing my song before the show!

I wore the t-shirt tux's to promote the sale of them during the show! All of the money raised for the tee's also went towards the CARE House program!!

Some of the contestants during swimsuit!! Even our former Mr Milford, Brandon requested to be in the swimsuit portion of competition!

The staff and contestants during intermission!!

On stage question!! Each contestant recieved 2 questions, a funny/light hearted question and a serious question. They all did a fantastic job!

Singing my talent song!!

Dylan's crowning moment as the new Mr Milford of 2012!!

The King and his court!!
My "boyfriend" Dylan, Mr Milford 2012!

My wonderful emcee partner, Tre Cruz!!

Kyle our 2nd runner up! He plays phenomenal drums!!

Our first runner up and Mr Congeniality, Tommy!!! He stole the crowds heart!!

Dominic!! During his on stage question part of competition his question was, "Do you believe in love at first sight?" Dominic looks over at me and smiles for a second and then responds, "Um. Yes, yes I do!" Talk about a priceless moment!! It made me feel special!!

Wednesday, January 18th found me emceeing the 2nd annual Mr Milford pageant where I had the pleasure and honor to co-emcee it again with my friend Tre Cruz!! The contestants were as funny as ever and I am so proud of every single one of them!!! The talents have improved immensely and the crowd was louder than any pageant I have ever been to - it was amazing!!! I also had a chance to see a few of the former contestant (from last year) competing again this year, in fact my "boyfriend" (as he always calls me his "girlfriend" haha) was Dylan!!
All of the students raised $1,250 for the CARE House of Oakland County which is a child abuse center where kids can stay for extended periods of time for help to recover from sexual, physical, and mental abuse.
It really was a great turn out from the crowd considering all of the students are having their exams this week due to trimester schedules! I hope this pageant continues to be an annual event that the students look forward to participating in and continue to raise money for CARE House!! This has always been one of my favorite events and I always have a blast!! The pageant is always full of surprises and laughs and last night was no exception! Congratulations to all of the contestants!!!

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