Sunday, January 22, 2012

Plymouth Ice Festival!! :)

Genysis is a tremendous sponsor to so many events! Love them!
What a pleasant surprise to be interviewd by Fox 2 News!!
His mom said I was his very first crush and he wanted to meet me! He was so cute!!
Hi there!
It was a little cold, but made for a great throne!! Hee hee!
Fox 2 News wanted to do my interview behind the ice podium, but the cameraman said my sash didn't show! So we did it in front!!
This reporter who interviewed me was from the Detroit Press!!
One of the many very talented ice scupture artists! He had started this one the day before!!

Here we go!! :)
Very unique sculpture with faces coming out of the ice!!
Having a good laugh with the Fox 2 News reporter!
I LOVE happy surprises!! Friday, January 20th found me in downtown Plymouth for an appearance at the Plymouth Ice Festival!! I used to live in Canton, during my middle school years, and have attended the festival almost every year since then so it was great to go back this year as a titleholder in the Miss America Organization as Miss Lady of the Lakes! While I was there, I was approached by Fox 2 News for an impromptu television interview! I was told it would air on Sunday morning the 22nd!! What a joy to be able to share with the viewers about the newer Miss Lady of the Lakes pageant, Miss Michigan, and Miss America pageants! It was bitterly cold, in the single digits, and I could hardly move my mouth to speak as my lips were freezing! Ha ha! But still fun nonetheless!

We also talked about the beautiful ice sculptures! It is amazing to me how talented these artisits are! Watching someone create a stunning piece of artwork out of a block of ice with a chainsaw and a chisel is nothing less than miraculous! I just couldn't choose a favorite one because each one was so unique in its design! These sculptures are particularly majestic at night when the ice is illuminated with different colored lights, but with an impending snow storm in the forecast I didn't think I should stay until dark! I was absolutely thrilled to be there to take in what I could! And a surprise interview was the cherry on top of the cake!! :)

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