Sunday, March 11, 2012

Walk for Warmth 2012!!

                       My dear friend, Linda Zabik, the event coordinator for the Genisys Credit Union!
                                              Even this loveable dog participated in the Walk!

                                              Just a few of the amazing Genisys volunteers!
        I loved it when they got in pretty feet formation and put their hands on their hips!! :) Ha ha!
                                                                    And we're walking!!!!!!!!!!!!
                                    The very friendly and smiling water girls at the food court!
                                                         Check out this face-painted cutie! :)
                                    The Genisys Band played the oldies and they were excellent!
The 'Walk for Warmth' was held on Saturday, Feburary 11th at a very early 7:30am for activities at the Great Lakes Crossing Outlet Mall before beginning to walk at 8:30am! This was my second year to attend this fabulous event! Last year it was held at The Palace and they moved it to the mall! It was a blast to see all of the people I have worked with throughout this year from the Genisys Credit Union who sponsored this wonderful event once again! There were alot of different types of entertainment from The Genisys Band, and The Strangers, to bagpipers while we walked the almost one mile trek! At the start we were welcomed by a few guest speakers which included a thank you to all the walkers for coming out on such an early Saturday morning as we all had to drive through treacherous snow conditions to get there! At the conclusion of the welcome, we all got into position and followed the Bagpipers around the interior of the mall. My mom and I decided to walk it a second time for fun and exercise! Different venues were included to make the children in attendance smile and feel welcomed! A clown created balloon animals for the children and was a favorite activity for many! I saw a few faces that were painted by a face painting artist as well! I tried the bean bag toss game myself and had fun just trying which was a huge hit and brought smiles to the children when I missed! Ahhhh, the life of a titleholder! We can laugh at ourselves too! :)

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