Sunday, March 11, 2012

Miss Michigan 2012 Orientation & Dinner!! :)

Abby & me!
Abby is contestant #3 (her lucky number) and me with my favorite number #18 pointing at the chart!We will be roommates at Miss Michigan! I could not be happier as she is a fantastic person! I can't wait to get to know her even better!

The lovely Cassandra!
               All dressed up for the dinner/dance on Saturday evening after the orientation was over!

                                            Our *formal* photo as the Class of 2012!! 
                                                                     A close up!
                                                                  The real us!! :)
Girls just wanna have fun!! :)

Saturday, March 3rd, was a very exciting day as we all met together for Orientation! We handed in our 2 cd's of talent music and our talent introduction right off the bat! Everything else (headshot, resume, platform statement, and 6 candids) were sent in electronically at an earlier date!
We were fitted for the opening number dress, which is a beautiful turquoise color, that will look great on every girl no matter her hair or skin color! A special thank you to Heidi Sheer for making it all possible! You chose a gorgeous dress for us Heidi and we all appreciate it!
Next we listened closely to all of the details we need to know and in the afternoon we chose our contestant numbers! For the second year I got my favorite number 18!! We also heard the messages that Elizabeth Wertenberger and Marissa Cowans shared with us of their year of service and Elizabeth's Miss America experience! They are both very eloquent and infused humor at every turn!  
My Director, Jeannette Greco-Pawlowski drove up early Saturday morning and we had a wonderful day together! We enjoyed a delicious lunch and dinner while chatting about pageant details! We also made a visit to the Viper Apparel room where my dear friend, and owner, Dalia, had the most beautiful gowns! I made the mistake of trying a few on and of course fell in love with one that is over my budget!!! I just can't forget it! If someone else buys it for MM I will probably cry! ha ha!
It was such a pleasure to meet with and talk to all of the Miss Michigan board members as I had not met them all last year. What an amazing and hard working team of people that volunteer their time to make things so wonderful for us! They are so helpful and kind! I am very excited to see what happens at MM and what plans the Lord has for each one of us! Everything happens for a reason and I am looking forward to compete this June and growing in the process!

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