Sunday, March 11, 2012

CMN Angel Kisses :)

                               Woody's Diner, in Rochester Hills, was the setting for 'Angel Kisses.'
                                                      A CMNH event to help local kids!

           The silent auction had several baskets! I was looking for ideas for the Miss Michigan silent auction to come in June!
This gentleman asked me if I was at the State Capital last May 2011. I was!! I saw a resolution passed to establish Michigan Osteoporosis Day to promote my personal platform Best Bones Forever!! He brought a classroom of students that day and I had a picture taken with them! I am always surprised when people remember me! ha ha!  

Many moms were wearing the 'Angel Kisses' sweatshirt with the names of the children they had lost printed on the back.

This is Kate! She said she knew my mom from years ago and then looked at the woman standing next to me (my mom) and let out a holler! Before I knew it they were hugging and I was totally confused! Kate's mom was in my parents wedding as a bridesmaid, almost 30 years ago, and my mom did her student teaching in Kate's mom's class! She is so sweet and drove all the way from Kalamazoo to volunteer for this wonderful event!
                                                                       Darling little girls!
While greeting guests I met the woman on the right, who I learned, was the one sending me all the emails about a future event that she has invited me to! So nice to put a face with a name and see who I have been responding to!
                                                                        Just chatting!

Beautiful auction baskets!

The first CMN volunteer opportunity for 2012, through Beaumont Hospital in Royal Oak, was the 4th Annual 'Angel Kisses' which was held on Saturday, February 25th at Woody's Diner at 208 Fifth Ave in Royal Oak. I was assigned as a greeter on the second floor from 2-4pm and I enjoyed every minute of it!! :)
The goal of this fundraiser was to raise $21,000 which included a Silent Auction, a 50/50 raffle, over 100 grab items, and a candle lit moment-of-silence. Another goal of Angel Kisses is that one day they would like to be on a larger scale equal to that of the Susan B. Komen events. I just know they will one day meet that goal and I wish them all the very best in their quest.
The purpose of 'Angel Kisses' was to fund the launch of standard care to assist families who experience pregnancy and newborn loss at Royal Oak Beaumont Hospital. This standard will include training staff for bedside care and the handling of bereavement mementos and to assist the Perinatal Bereavement Coalition in providing an educational conference for hospital caregivers across the state.
This was a very humbling event for me and I appreciate being included. I have never lost a child, but it was very touching to see these couples who had come out to participate and still managed to smile.

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