Friday, December 9, 2011

Holly Dickens Festival Christmas Tree Lighting!!

Christmas tree lighting!

Warming up by the fire!

Beautiful carriage!

These girls were so cute!!! They kept calling me Miss America! Best feeling in the world!!

   I love the old fashioned costumes from the time period of Charles Dickens!
Our attempt at planking!! Talk about an interesting, yet hilarious moment!!

On Friday, December 9th, I participated  in the Holly Christmas tree lighting during the Dicken's Festival!! The brisk cold weathered evening started out with a lighted parade followed by the Christmas tree lighting, high school dancers, and where the children each got to express their wish list to Santa Claus!! A beautiful horse drawn carriage was available to tour the village for those wanting a unique Chirstmas experience! I took the opportunity to visit with the workers & volunteers of the booths and answered many questions about Miss Lady of the Lakes and share my wonderful experiences with the Miss America Oraganization! I also shopped in the village shoppes! The stores were so cute and the people were sweet and encouraging in my quest to return to the Miss Michigan stage!

Troy Christmas Tree Lighting!!!

My little Star Wars buddy!

Interview for the newspaper!!!

The Mayor of Troy!!

Handing out candy canes to the kids!!

We match!
 Love this little boy to pieces!! He wanted a picture and once I put my arm around him he leaned right into my arms and put his head on mine! So adorable!!

Genysis Credit Union with Santa!!


Linda you are the best!!! Thank you so much for everything!!!
On Wednesday, December 7th I had the wonderful pleasure of participating in my first Christmas tree lighting of the season!!! This was another amazing and fun event sponsored by Genysis Credit Union! While it was a bit cold we had hot chocolate and donuts to keep us warm!! The Athens High School choir and drumline band performed for the crowd! what fabulous groups and full of talent! I was very impressed!
After all of the festive music was finished my job was to keep all of the excited kids in a straight line to meet Santa as well as hand out candy canes after they spoke to Santa! These kids were adorable!!! I love children so much and to see their sweet faces light up when they met Santa was absolutely priceless!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Rochester Christmas Parade!!!! :)

Before the Rochester parade we were invited to a VIP party at the Rochester Chamber of Commerce to celebrate together and share the Christmas spirit! Sharing how the MAO has changed my life in such a positive way with others was the order of the day! I met with several dignitaries including Oakland County commissioners that I had addressed last year at a speaking engagement and where I recieved a proclamation!  It was great to see all of them again!!
On the Princess float which was on loan for us MAO girls from the America's Company Parade!!!

               My dear friend, Linda, on my left, works for the Genysis Credit Union and rode the float with us! Genysis sponsored the Rochester Christmas parade!!

What a blast!!!! On December 4th, 2011, I was blessed to be involved with the Rochester Christmas Parade for the second year in a row!! Not only were we on the beautiful Princess float from the America's Parade Company, joining the amazing crew from Genysis Credit Union, but we also landed on TV-channel 7 WXYZ!!! Thankfully, I DVR'd the show and can't wait to see it!!! This was a great opportunity to get the word out about the Miss America Organization by having myself and Miss Oakland County Kelly Oles on TV!! So much fun!!! Thank you again Linda for this once in a lifetime opportunity!!

Lake Orion Holiday Parade!

        This shiny red Solstace, from Golling in Lake Orion, sponsored my ride!
                          Hardworking firemen and their lighted fire truck!
          This gingerbread house looked good enough to eat! It was adorable!

Zipping through town and greeting the Lake Orion parade watchers!

After the Pontiac Holiday Extravaganza parade earlier in the day on Saturday Dec 3rd, I had the pleasure to be in the Lake Orion Holiday evening parade! During an event this past summer, Bill who works at Golling car dealership and is the Vice President of the parade committee for the parade, invited me to represent the community by riding in one of his sponsored cars for the fun event!! What an honor!! I was in one of my favorite cars, the Solstace!!  Although the weather presented a few raindrops, it was quite balmy for December! It was actually warmer at night than it was during the day!! Lake Orion has been so inviting and welcoming to me even though I'm from the "rival town" of Clarkston! ;-) More pictures will be coming soon!!

Holiday Extravaganza!!

                                                I love reindeer!!
                         I made a new friend while we made glitter pinecones!

                                                Another redhead!
                             What is Christmas without silly balloon hats?!!

I want one!!

                             Waiting for the ribbon ceremony to begin!
                  I watch Andrew Humphries every morning give the weather report! He was very funny and I truly enjoyed his company!!

                          Two of my favorite people! Santa & Mrs Claus!
                  This is by far the presttiest float in the whole parade!

Gotta love these guys!!

       Last year, when I was Miss Oakland County, I rode in this beautiful sleigh!
                            This year I rode in this gorgeous silver Saab sponsored by LaFountain of Highland, MI! They were wonderful to help me out!!
               My own personal chauffer and best parade driver . . . my dad!!

On Saturday December 3rd I had the honor to be in the Pontiac Holiday Extravaganza for the second year in a row!!! This is always one of my favorite events to participate in, especially when I have a chance to hang out with the kids before the parade fun starts! The children met before the parade at a crafts event where they made all kinds of Christmas items from decorating cookies, to decorated pinecones, doorhangers, reindeer made from clothespins and the like! I met so many wonderful people and reconnected with old friends! I love being able to promote the Miss America Organization, not only by speaking about it to others, but being involved in the community and volunteering with several different organizations! A very special thank you to Linda from the Genysis Credit Union that sponsored the wonderful parade!! If it were not for you, Linda, and all of your hard work this parade wouldn't be as fantastic as it is because of your love and passion! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be in the parade again this year! You're the best!! :)