Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Commerce Elementary School Halloween Fun!! :)

I love to speak to students about Best Bones Forever!! I was invited to speak at Commerce Elementary school on October 31st (Halloween) to an excited class of third grade students! I donned my skelegirl costume and began by reading a fun book about bones called 'Rotten Teeth' (yes teeth are bone!!) I also shared with them how I was injured at 15 yrs old and learned that I have scoliosis of the back and how I became involved with the National Osteoporosis Foundation because of that injury. I also was able to distrbute a goodie bag of information about bone health to each student, the teacher, and attending guests (parents, grandparents, etc.) This class was very well behaved and had plenty of questions for me about osteoporosis and how to take better care of themselves! After my session, the class celebrated with a class party to celebrate Halloween and I was asked to sign autographs for them in their new bone journals!! I was honored to share this time with them and hope they feel educated about the importance of bone health!! :)

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