Friday, October 14, 2011

Miss Lady of the Lakes 2012!!!

It was so sweet to be crowned by my long time pageant sister, Cameron Learman!! Love ya girl!!

Miss Lady of the Lakes 2012 top 5!!

Evening gown phase!!

So humbled and blessed to have won Miss Lady of the Lakes 2012!!! I am so excited!!! :-)

Visiting royalty being silly as always!!  "Girls just wanna have fun!!"

With the beautiful Cameron Learman and lovely Miss Michigan Elizabeth Wertenberger!! Love you two!!

With my new pageant family!!

DOUG!!! He's the best and it was a joy to have him be at the pageant!!

It was such an honor to have received the title of Miss Lady of the Lakes 2012!! The staff is absolutely outstanding and I can't wait to walk this new path to the Miss Michigan pageant next June!! Knowing that I have the opportunity to go back for the second year in a row is truly surreal and humbling! I know that this is going to be a great year and I can't wait to see how I will grow through it!
Congratulations to all of the ladies who competed this year! You were all beautiful! You all hold a special place in my heart and I really do consider you my sisters!!
If you would like to follow me on my journey to Miss Michigan I will continually post my events and appearances frequently throughout the year!! If you know of or are holding an event that you would like me to be a part of please feel free to contact me or my wonderful director Jeannette!!
Thank you to everyone who sent me well wishes and congratulations!! I felt an overwhelming sense of love the night of competition and it means the world to me that I have so many caring people in my life!!!
I will always do my best, and be my best in everything that I do! That I can always promise. I don't know what this year holds for me, but I know the One who holds it!! Thank you God for all of your continued blessings!! God Bless everyone!!! <3

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