Friday, October 14, 2011

Detroit's Most Photogenic Babies 2011!!!

All of the money raised for this event went directly to Beaumont Hospitals in Michigan for the Childrens Miracle Network Hospitals!!

She was so cute!!! She won a ton of awards for her photos!! Such a doll!!

Now let me tell you, names are not easy!! So diverse and unique which is great until I have to try and attempt to pronounce them!! Haha!!

This picture makes me giggle, it looks like I'm singing "Orange Colored Sky"

The kids were so cute! They always wanted to be the ones to grab the trophies!! I don't blame them!

So precious!! She was such a sweetheart and wanted to keep taking pictures with me!!

The big award! Overall in all categories voted by the judges!

So cute!

She was absolutely adorable!

Loved this little girl!! She was so shy and so I told her my story about when I grew up I was just as shy as her! I broke out of my shell and had grown through all of my experiences and worked hard for my dreams! With perseverance I was blessed to be successful in what I love to do! It really cheered her up to know someone else was just like her when they were her age!!

The overall winner!! She was so excited and her pictures were stunning!!

Staff and photographer!! It was a blast!

One of the sisters called me 'Miss America' and wanted to talk to me! They were so sweet and it warmed my heart with joy that I could ever be compared to such a successful and perfect role model!

For the second year in a row I had the opportunity to be the emcee for the Detroit's Most Photogenic Babies 2011! This event is a fundraiser that donates all of its proceeds to Beaumonts Children Hospital which is partnered with the Children's Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH)!! They had raised $9,000 for this event!! What an honor for me to be a part of it! It's great to see that even though we may be in a tight economic world, we can still give what we can to those who need it most!!
All of the kids adorable and loved receiving their trophies!! This has always been a fun event and I'm happy to say that I have already been invited to emcee the event again next year for the third year in a row!! :)

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